Termo İnsulated Protective Coatings

Using proterm® heat-insulating materials you get a long-term financial advantage at minimum costs.

To provide a variety of solutions in protection and repairing of structures our specialists have designed different types of PROTERM® heat-insulating coatings. Each product has its own specified advantages and can meet special requirements in heat insulation. Due to a wide range of modifications, these heat-insulating systems satisfy special requirements for heat insulation and protection of structures.

Polyurethane foam
Polystyrene foam
Plastic foam
Mineral wool
PROTERM® modifications
Estimated heat conductivity coefficient, W/(mK) 0.019-0.03 0.032-0.035 0.04 0.045-0.05 (dry)
0.18-0.20 (damp)
Coating thickness, mm 100-150 120-170 130-200 100-240 1.0 – 5.0
Adhesion to brick, concrete, metal, wood, kg/cm2 1.50-3.0 No No No 11.2-18.9
Cold bridges no yes yes yes no
Work performance temperature, ˚С    +5˚C / +30˚C +5˚C / +30˚C +5˚C / +30˚C +5˚C / +30˚C -30˚C / +150˚C
Working temperature, ˚С -180˚C / +100˚C -50˚C / +75˚C -180˚C / +180˚C -60˚C / +270˚C -60˚С / +600˚С*
Microorganisms and rodents Susceptible Susceptible Susceptible Susceptible Resistant
UV resistance Susceptible Susceptible Susceptible Sensitive Resistant
Moisture, aggressive environments Resistant Less resistant Sensitive Water-absorbing material; heat-insulation properties may be lost and can not be reconditioned Resistant
Shrinkage in service no no no yes no
Effective durability 10 years 10 years 10 years 5-10 years At least 25 years*
Flammability group 1-2 4 3-4 Non-flammable, 1 Non-flammable