Catering: Appetizing and Customized
Serving Meals to Suit Your Taste
Good nutrition is essential for well-being, for productivity and for general health. But it’s often difficult to eat well in the course of the daily routine. Often there’s just too little time, especially at work.
The aim of all of our catering services is to provide people with access to healthy food, wherever they are. We have developed products which are adapted to differing needs and requirements – both in terms of nutrition and of taste.
All of our catering services share a few basic principles. For example we take sustainability seriously and the majority of our products come from regional suppliers. If the client wishes, we are happy to provide organic meals and we can cater to all special dietary needs.
The equipment we use is adapted to the situation of our clients and not the other way round. This applies to production processes, to ordering and service systems as well as to payment systems. We are happy to provide for special and individual requests and develop solutions which go beyond just food preparation.
Our catering specialists would be happy to give you further information.
HACCP concept
Food Hygiene
The HACCP concept is an efficient control system that guarantees strict food hygiene and safety in production processes. It requires consistent documentation and regular HACCP audits are carried out by an independent hygiene institute.
Sustainable Catering
Regional and Seasonal
On request, you can make your catering operations even more sustainable. For example with foods in organic quality or by installing energy-efficient kitchen equipment and converting food waste to energy. Ask us.
1. Catering for Children
Catering for Child-Care Facilities
Capt’nCook is a holistic catering concept for child-care facilities. It has been developed with the needs of 2 to 6-year-olds in mind and offers plenty of variety. And it enables children, educators and parents to decide what is served.
A wide choice of foods helps children to develop healthy eating habits and to learn to enjoy eating together. We support parents and educators in teaching children to enjoy food and to develop the associated social skills. We organize events and provide work materials and advice.
Food quality is subject to strict controls. Nutrient density of food is very high i.e. it contains a high proportion of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and protein but relatively low levels of fat. We are also careful with sugar. We use only rapeseed and olive oils and avoid hardened fats and preservatives. Food is free of flavor enhancer.
The meal plan includes fruit and vegetables, some raw, every day. Once or twice a week, meat is included and at least once a week, fish is served. Milk dishes are included 2-3 times a week.
Call us for more information and let us take you on a tour of good food for child-care facilities.
High Quality Standards
Our catering concept complies with the quality standards set by German Nutrition Society for catering in child-care facilities as well as the requirements of the federal ministry of agriculture and consumer protection agencie
2. Catering for Students
Catering for Schools
CoolCooking is a catering concept developed for schools which offers more than great food; the modular structure can be adapted to the individual requirements of each school. It enables students to select what they eat themselves and provides guidance on healthy eating.
This begins on the first day in the school canteen with games. It can also include PointIt, a program which makes nutritional planning simple. We support school events and provide practical information for lessons. We are happy to cooperate with teachers and parents in nutritional education.
We serve the things that students like to eat, and we place emphasis on careful preparation and first class ingredients. We use mostly seasonal products which we purchase from local suppliers. A range of dishes, oriented on tastes of young diners and served creatively is very popular in our school canteens.
To learn how satisfied our diners are with Cool Cooking, we place a postbox in the canteen for feedback. We also carry out regular diners surveys and integrate a competition with prizes.
For more information on catering for schools, just call us or send us an email.
Balanced Nutrition
Our PointIt concept makes it simple to eat healthily. It uses a traffic-lights system to help diners determine how much of each type of food to eat each month. The concept is based on DGE (German Nutrition Society) recommendations.
3. Staff Catering
Catering for Staff Restaurants
There is an increasing focus on healthy eating in all sections of today’s society. Most people invest a lot of energy in eating well. But for those with long work days, it’s often difficult to organize meals to constitute healthy, balanced nutrition.
Delightful provides your organization with a staff catering concept that does just that.
Genuss in drei Größen
Unsere Kaffeebars bieten nachhaltigen Kaffeegenuss in Transfair-Qualität von verschieden Markenröstern. Sie sind modular aufgebaut und können in drei Größen umgesetzt werden.
Delightful offers light, fresh cuisine that orients itself on the tastes and needs of your employees. We follow the guidelines set down by the German Nutrition Society and the D-A-CH reference values. Dishes on the meal plan are optimized in terms of calories and nutrient value and ingredients with a high nutrient density are used. When selecting produce, we maintain strict quality standards and purchase largely from local suppliers.
The requirements and the health of your staff take central stage. In order to strengthen nutritional awareness, we have developed a number of workshops on healthy eating that you can book. Topics range from brain food and stress food to product information and table etiquette. And finally, Delightful offers a great deal of flexibility. We check every detail with you and ensure that everything is adapted to the needs of your operations.
If you would like to know more about staff catering, please call us or send us an email. We would be happy to hear from you.
4. Catering for Patients
Catering for Hospitals
Just like restaurant service. This is what Delicatess, our catering concept for hospitals, promises patients. To meet this challenge, we work closely with clients and develop a customized solution, tailor-made to the individual needs of the organization.
We check the limitations and opportunities of available space and listen closely to our clients’ wishes. Delicatess may mean operating the kitchen in your facility and preparing food on site. But we can provide restaurant service without a central kitchen too. This is possible by deploying modern, flexible production systems and applying the professional knowledge of our catering specialists.
We always have the interests of your patients in mind and the food in a hospital can be part of therapy. We work with nutritionists and offer the entire range of special diets.
Delicatess may also include catering for your employees such as a coffee bar or the staff restaurant. Wherever we are responsible for meals, we serve good food. We ensure the quality of ingredients by carefully selecting suppliers, mostly local, and take care in food preparation. Theme weeks increase the variety of the meal plan.
We would be happy to provide more information about catering for hospitals. Simply call us or send us an email.
Catering Systems
Modern Technology
It is your individual requirements that determine the equipment and systems for production, service and payment at your facility. We offer the whole range of modern solutions coupled with the highest standards of service.
Coffee Bar
In Three Sizes
Our coffee bars serve coffee specialties from sustainable production. They are modular and can be set up in three different variations varying in size.
5. Catering for Seniors
Catering for Seniors
Vitalance is a holistic concept for the special needs of seniors. It focusses on the promotion, maintenance and improvement of health in later years. Vitalance combines optimum nutrition with enjoyable food and a diet which is tailor-made to the needs of the elderly which combats malnutrition and deficiencies.
The concept also addresses documentation of eating habits and communication between nursing, kitchen and service staff. Vitalance describes ways of improving these and of establishing client-oriented quality management. The program includes case histories, documentation of food and beverage consumption, recommendations on meal distribution, aids for eating and drinking and hygiene regulations for therapy kitchens. A further component is a training program for carers, kitchen and housekeeping personnel.
Vitalance is customized around the needs of your organization’s situation. This enables you to reap all of the benefits resulting from improved catering including improvement in the health of residents and a positive effect on the facility’s image.
We would be happy to provide further information. Call us or send us an email.
6. Catering for Everyone
Maks & the Flexible Coffee Bar
Easily integrated in restaurant operations
Maks Service Deli and the flexible coffee bar are two highlights in our catering program. They can be easily integrated into restaurant operations.
Maks Service Deli takes fast food to the gourmet level. We offer fresh, healthy, delicious food throughout the working day from breakfast to a fast lunch, coffee breaks and a snack for the way home. We use fresh ingredients and seasonal, regional produce.
A coffee bar is always a meeting point and a center of communication. Maks Service coffee bars are modular and therefore very flexible. They are available in three sizes and the design can be adapted to the space available and your corporate design.
If you would like to learn more about how a Maks Service Deli or our innovative coffee bar concept can be integrated into your operation, call us, or write.