Containex® Kiosks & Sales Offices

These stand alone Containex® bays can have glazed French doors, shuttered windows and laminate wood effect flooring create a smart, clean and instant sales space. We can also supply a fully glazed version complete with a more traditional entrance door if required.

Containex® provides you with a perfect temporary solution during periods where existing premises are being refurbished, or where new premises are being built and your business needs to continue as normal.

They can also be used as a stand alone retail outlet which could easily support a large retail complex whether it be under cover or outside.

Containex® can be used for a variety of functions including:

Sales offices for car dealerships and so on
Temporary retail outlets/kiosks such as news stands
Marketing offices for new homes
Sales outlets within a larger retail complex
A range of portable cabin accessories and value added products are also available. Click here for more information.