Building wraps

If you thought portable buildings were dull, then think again!

On specific products we may be able to create customer’s own corporate branding.

Whether you want to stand out from the crowd or blend in with your surroundings, in either situation Elliott Customer Branding offers a customised exterior solution that allows you to promote your brand image to maximise impact or integrate with your surroundings to increase acceptance within the environment.

These vinyl wraps can incorporate any graphical design and cover the exterior surface of the building.

Benefits of a building wrap to your Elliott portable building include:

  • Two year guarantee
  • Low maintenance
  • Easy to restore back to standard unit
  • Visually appealing

Stand Out

High Impact Corporate Branding

These customised corporate wraps provide an impactive marketing campaign which is easy to assemble, dismount and transport to new locations, ensuring that your brand image is seen time and time again.

Ideal for:

  • Corporate Hospitality
  • Large, outdoor events
  • National and international companies
  • Event Planners and promoters


Discreet Portable Building Exterior Finishes

These colourful wraps can be used in all sorts of situations where it is important you portable building does not impact detrimentally on the surrounding environment.

Ideal for:

  • Countryside locations
  • Pre-schools
  • Healthcare facilities
  • Urban areas